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Top 20 Photos of 2017


Happy New Year! I want to wish you a very happy and prosperous 2018, and thank you for your incredible support throughout this year. Whether it's reading my blogs, viewing my photos, or hiring me for creative services, I'm very grateful for your support. Also, I'm excited to share with you my Favorite Photos of 2017! It's really tough to narrow down your favorite photos

Top 20 Photos of 20172018-01-01T23:37:25+00:00

Photos: Twenty One Pilots and Echosmith


Last night, Twenty One Pilots and Echosmith took over the Paramount Theater in Seattle for an epic show that delighted screaming fans of a mostly younger demographic. Despite being dubbed an opening band, indie pop ensemble Echosmith could easily have headlined their own show with their explosive, attention-grabbing performance. The all-sibling band led by singer Sydney Sierota, has been climbing the charts with their delightful debut album Talking Dreams and

Photos: Twenty One Pilots and Echosmith2016-10-28T04:43:47+00:00

Annual Review: Best of 2013 Photos


2013 was an interesting and semi-transitional year photo-wise, as it included more "photos for business" than "photos for fun," although certainly fun was had in all events! I added 2.0 terrabytes worth of data to my already full hard drives, which is pretty crazy. It took a while just to sort through all of the data, not to mention attempt to recap and pull out

Annual Review: Best of 2013 Photos2016-10-28T04:44:06+00:00

Photos: Empire of the Sun


Last night, Empire of the Sun put on a dazzling spectacle of a show at Seattle's Paramount Theater. It was the first time in quite some time that the Australian electronic music group had made its way to Seattle. The last time they came close was actually in May for the Sasquatch Music Festival at The Gorge. Unfortunately, the night of their performance was also

Photos: Empire of the Sun2018-04-28T07:15:35+00:00

Photos: Fitz and the Tantrums


It's been almost exactly a year since I photographed Fitz and the Tantrums on the opening day of Outside Lands 2012 in San Francisco. At that point, I'd photographed them at least 3 times throughout the year, having seen them at Sasquatch and at various other shows and festivals around the Pacific Northwest. But Fitz and the Tantrums is one of those bands that you

Photos: Fitz and the Tantrums2016-10-28T04:44:10+00:00

Intrepid Freelancer: 6 Lessons Learned from Appendicitis


Welcome to The Intrepid Freelancer, a blog series in which I talk about the pros, cons, and overall lifestyle of being a freelancer. Whether you’re a part-time, full-time, former or aspiring freelancer, I hope these blogs hit home in some way. As a disclaimer, the views I express are mine and not reflective of any clients I have previously or am currently working with. Please

Intrepid Freelancer: 6 Lessons Learned from Appendicitis2016-10-28T04:44:11+00:00
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