When you’ve got a friend living/working in one of the world’s most famous national parks, that’s more than enough reason to head out for a visit. I vaguely remembered my first trip to Montana back when I was around 7 years old. It was a family trip, and we had just returned from Glacier National Park, and all I remember was being particularly excited to ride horses. While I didn’t see any horses on this trip, I did get my visual fill of bison, elk, eagles, hot springs, and long drives.
Unlike a majority of Yellowstone visitors, I didn’t do any camping on this trip. I got to sleep on a couch in my good friend Adam’s family cabin since they run an airplane refueling business out of West Yellowstone every summer. In addition to not camping, I also had the privilege of having a very knowledgeable “tour guide.” I mean, how many first-timers at Yellowstone get to swim in rivers, eat buffalo burgers, see tons of living buffalo, go off-roading in a Jeep, speeding on a motorcycle, and see both Grand Prismatic Spring and Old Faithful FROM THE AIR? (Another advantage to having pilot friends!). I’ll let my photos tell the rest of the story.

Suzi Pratt is a Seattle event, food, and travel photographer available for hire. She is also a contributing writer at Digital Photography School and runs a blog teaching others how to start a photography business.